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Love Wild
ToeSox ambassador Amy Ippoliti is a marine conservationist and WildAid supporter. She is devoted to raising awareness about the affect and cruelty the shark finning trade has on our our environment. Did you know that 2 sharks are killed every second for the purpose of making shark fin soup? This infographic video explains how, why, and what's next for these animals.
Sometimes it's hard to grasp how our daily actions and decisions can impact another being on the other side of the world. But they can and they do. Practice these daily actions to help sharks and all creatures in the sea:
1. Boycott Chinese restaurants that have shark fin soup on the menu
2. Buy organic produce as pesticides eventually run into our oceans
3. Pick up litter whenever you see it
4. Carry a reusable water bottle
5. Explore the ocean without harassing wildlife or taking shells or rocks
ToeSox is donating 5% of sales from every pair of Wild Love grip socks purchased on our site in November. Love wild and shop Wild Love grip socks in these fun colors: Wild Love Salmon, Wild Love Citrus, Wild Love Emerald, and Wild Love Phlox.
Learn more about WildAid and how you can help.