New Arrivals
Spring to Life
We're doing a lot of looking up these days and noticing how brown branches are coming up green. The fresh young leaves remind us how special Spring is - a time of hope and renewal. Honor yourself by practicing a Spring ritual to help your mind, body and spirit bloom from stale Winter months.
A few of our top Spring rituals are taken from the practices of our Ambassadors:
De-Clutter Your Space. "When spring is imminent I love to do a big purge of my drawers, closets, and clutter around the house and then open all the windows and burn sage to clear the space." - Amy Ippoliti
Get a Jump on the Day. "Through winter I try to make sure I get eight hours of sleep. As Spring comes along, I try to keep that schedule but get up sooner as the sunrise arrives earlier. A little yoga and physical training first thing, drink a big glass of water, and I try not to look at my computer till at least 9am." - Jason Magness
Gentle Cleanse. "I pull out Tiffany Cruikshank's Optimal Health for a Vibrant Life book and modify her 30-day detox down to a week-long detox. I always feel great after doing it. I continue to practice yoga daily and do my best to go to bed a little earlier when I'm detoxing." - Robin Martin
Spend Time Outside. "We travel all the time, so Spring for us could be any day. When we are in a place with good weather we try to go out on runs, bike rides or slackline. Our location-independent life is - to certain degree - season independent too." - Raquel Hernandez-Cruz
How will you spring to life this Spring?