We’ve got skin goals. A fresh face that’s clean and clear is a year-round quest that has us spying the latest serums, sprays and creams to cure every blemish and vanish every fine line. Just when our skincare regiment is working wonders, a
shift in seasons sends our skin into a state of confusion. In the summer when the temp creeps up, the heat takes a toll on our skin and leaves us searching for new answers to combat our skincare woes.
refreshing dip in a pool, lake or ocean is exactly what you need to cool off. However, water washes away natural oils on the skin leaving it parched. Add chlorine and salt to the water and it further exacerbates the dryness. Conversely, whether your summers are arid or humid, the heat makes you sweat more drawing out acne-causing oils. It's a maddening combination!
Instead of going to extremes and knocking your skin and routine out of balance, there are a few simple things you can do to help your face feel and
look amazing this summer.
Apply (and reapply) sunscreen
Putting sunscreen on every morning is something you should always do. It’s equally important reapply throughout the day. As the day goes on, that initial veil of sunscreen wears off and no longer protects the skin. Reapply every few hours to protect the skin from the sun while also keeping it hydrated. Don't forget to also cover the sides of your neck with sunscreen!
Take a cold shower
Hot water is drying and it’s the last thing your sun-soaked skin needs. Turn the knob to cold for a refreshing rinse that helps close open pores.
Eat smart
Nutrient-dense foods protect the skin from the inside out. While your appetite might decrease during the summer (heat slows the metabolism), it’s important to eat
nourishing and hydrating foods like melons, berries and dark leafy greens.
Drink more water
You sweat more in the summer whether you feel like you are or not. Add more water to your daily intake to hydrate your body and to help cellular renewal (aka good looking skin).
Go wide
Just because you’re wearing sunscreen doesn’t mean the sun’s rays can’t penetrate that barrier. Wear a wide brim hat to protect your face and neck from damaging rays. You’ll look super cute and have less sunspots to worry about later.
Dry skin not only looks drab, it’s also what wrinkles are made of. Slough away the dead cells with a gentle exfoliator on dry skin before you shower. Afterward, use an spf moisturizer.
While you’re busy playing in the summer sun, please don’t neglect your skin. After all, it’s your body’s largest organ and the one you see everyday. Love that face, we do!