New Arrivals
Practices to Keep You Calm and Steady During the Holidays

by ToeSox Influencer Nichol Chase
During the holiday season I usually feel ungrounded. All of the holiday parties, shopping for presents, and travelling to see family make my schedule frenetic and unmanageable. There is too much to do and it seems impossible to keep up. I also struggle with how to feel about the holidays. I have moments of great joy reminiscing about the holidays of my childhood. At other times, I agonize over establishing my own traditions as an adult…which elements of my family’s traditions do I want to hold onto?...which would I rather let go? And of course, I stress over who to get presents for and what to get them. The list could go on...the holiday season is wonderful and dreadful at the same time. Can you relate? The good news is that we can all anticipate this is coming and work to change our perspective. And how do we change our perspective? By doubling down on practices that ground us, calm us, and clear our heads. I am a yoga teacher, and my daily yoga and meditation practices save me at this time of year. I make my living teaching students about these subjects, so I know a thing or two about what it takes to integrate these practices into your life and how much it can benefit you. I want to share some tips about how to get started and how to continue after the holidays as well! First, it is prudent to address the Elephant in the room…establishing daily practices and staying consistent is HARD! Ever made a New Year’s resolution you struggled to see through to its completion? Maybe it was something like this: “I will do a 30-minute seated meditation before bed every day next year” OR “I will do yoga for one hour every morning next year.” You notice a pattern here? Most people get into trouble because their goals are too regimented. Don’t get me wrong, it is great to be specific about your goals. The examples above are far superior to these versions: “I will meditate on a regular basis next year” OR “I will do more yoga next year.”
Here’s what I do on a busy day...
In the morning, I remind myself by making a list of the practices I would like to do. I carry the list with me throughout the day and check them off as I complete them. (I use the app ToDoist for this, but there are lots of other great apps out there, and there is always a pad of paper and pen!). Then I execute:Meditation
I often start with meditation in the morning. I will look and see how much time I have before I need to be out the door, and I will meditate for that length of time. If I have 20 minutes, I will meditate for 20 minutes. If I have 10 minutes, I will meditate for 10 minutes. If I have 5 get the idea. If I don’t meditate before I am out the door, I don’t beat myself up. Instead, I find a way to fit in at least one minute of meditation later in the day.Yoga
I use the same strategy when it comes to yoga. Of course, I love it when I have time to practice for 60 or 90 minutes at home or when I can go to a class in person. However, I don’t always have the time or energy to do this. On days I have less time or energy, I will carve out 5 to 10 minutes to do a few sun salutations and poses that ground me – in the morning, between classes, whenever I can fit it in.