A Green Getaway

If you're looking for a fun challenge, try planning your next vacation with an eco-minded heart. We've compiled a list of ways you can make your next vacation a green getaway. 1. Skip the fuel-heavy plane and make it a stay-cation. Explore your city or town like YOU are a tourist. Visit museums, hike local trails, or find the most historic monument. 2. Travel like a local by walking the city or ride the bus and rail systems. 3. Lower your home energy costs by turning down the temperature on your water heater and unplugging all appliances that won't be in use while you are gone. 4. Bring a reusable water bottle with you everywhere so you stay hydrated and save some dough while you're out exploring. 5. Shop at local markets for fresh foods you can pack for lunches and snacks. 6. Opt out of having your sheets and towels refreshed each day at the hotel. There's no need to waste the water. 7. Take reusable bags for your shopping sprees. 8. Turn off the lights and air in your hotel room when you leave for the day. The room cools down fast. Make your vacation about exploring not expending by saying YES to the adventure and NO to useless waste of resources. Safe travels!