New Arrivals
3 things you learn in yoga that better your life

- Breath
- Balance
- Flexibility
1. Breath
On the mat At the beginning of class, we are instructed to acknowledge the breath. As the internal heat rises and the poses deepen, we are reminded to breathe – fully without holding it. Class ends in savasana. We return to our normal breath and release any tension. Off the mat The lungs are beautiful muscles – providing both an involuntary and voluntary action. Our body continues to push air in and out. During stressful situations, like a work deadline, negative encounter with a friend, or deadlock traffic, we tense up and our breathing shallows. Practice your yogic breath throughout the day and especially when you are feeling overwhelmed. By breathing deeply, you oxygenate the blood and your brain releases endorphins. So not only will your body relax, your mood will also be elevated.2. Balance
On the mat The standing series of yoga provides the opportunity to challenge your strength and grace. Create a sturdy base by spreading your five toes and then find the sweet spot of effort and ease in each standing pose. Think about everything that goes into Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana). Balancing on one leg, you hold the free foot and kick while your arm reaches forward and the body arcs. Balancing effort and ease with each physical adjustment takes focus so you don’t fall. Off the mat Apply the yoga principle of balance between effort and ease (Sthira Sukha Asanam in Sanskrit). Pay attention to your breath, your thoughts, your emotions, and your physical state. Where are you out of balance? Understand that too much effort in one aspect will burn you out. Too much ease and you will never realize your full greatness.